Add a new feature template for use in ArcGIS Field Maps

Last Published: October 10, 2024


In ArcGIS Field Maps, feature templates are created to simplify the task of collecting and categorizing features based on specific combinations of attributes. Once the feature layer from ArcGIS Pro is published, it is common to further refine and introduce new feature templates. However, simply adding a new domain and updating the symbology does not automatically result in the addition of a new feature template in ArcGIS Field Maps. This article describes the workflow to add a new feature template in ArcGIS Field Maps.

To demonstrate the workflow, a new feature template will be added to the Regions sublayer. The image below shows the existing feature templates in the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app upon collecting new features.

The list of feature templates in the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app.


To perform this workflow, ensure the following requirements are met:

  • The feature layer is hosted in ArcGIS Online.
  • The editing capability of the hosted feature layer is enabled.
  • The member must be the owner of the hosted feature layer or an administrator.
  • The Use in ArcGIS Field Maps option for the feature layer is enabled.
  1. In ArcGIS Online, navigate to Content > My Content and open the item details page of the desired feature layer.
  2. On the Data tab, for Layer, select the sublayer and click Fields. Add a new value to the list of values (domain) for the feature layer. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Edit a list of values for instructions. In this example, Shophouse is added to the list of values in the 'Type of residence' field of the Regions sublayer.
The Data tab of the feature layer in ArcGIS Online.
  1. Open the web map in Map Viewer Classic.
    1. On the My Content page, browse to the web map, click More Options The More Options button. , and select Open in Map Viewer Classic.
Creating and modifying feature templates is only supported in Map Viewer Classic.
  1. In Map Viewer Classic, in the Contents pane, hover over the feature layer and click the Change Style The Change Style button. icon.
  2. For Choose an attribute to show, select the field containing the new value from the drop-down list.
  3. For Select a drawing style, click OPTIONS on the desired drawing style.
  4. In the Change Style pane, click Move value out The 'Move value out' button. next to the new value.
The 'Move value out' button next to the label.
  1. Click the symbol and configure the symbology for the new value.
  2. Click OK and click Done to save the configurations.
  3. On the top ribbon, click Edit > Manage.
The Edit and Manage option in Map Viewer Classic.
  1. Select the sublayer from the Layer drop-down list and click SAVE CHANGES.
The SAVE CHANGES button.
  1. Click Save > Save to save the web map.

In the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app, reload the map to reflect the changes. The image below shows the new feature template added to the list upon collecting new features.

The new feature template displayed in the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app.

Article ID: 000031126

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Field Maps Android
  • ArcGIS Field Maps iOS

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