Activate geofences on newly created features in the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app

Last Published: March 14, 2023


In ArcGIS Field Maps, the geofencing capability is used to detect when a moving object (such as a person or vehicle) has entered a defined area. It enhances spatial analysis by providing location-based alerts in real-time.

In the Field Maps mobile app, geofences are activated when a map is opened or a map area is created, where workers are prompted to enable location alerts or location sharing on the device. However, geofences are only active on current existing features as defined in the Geofences configuration in the Field Maps Designer web app. Follow the workflow below to activate geofences on newly created features in the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app by disabling and re-enabling location alerts.


  1. In the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app, tap the GPS details on the top banner of the map after creating new features on a layer with a geofence.
Opening the GPS details on the map
  1. In the GPS Details page, toggle off Location Alerts (iOS) or Location alerts (Android) to disable the location notifications.
Disabling Location Alerts in the GPS Details window
  1. Tap Turn On when the Map Requires Location Alerts (iOS) or Map requires location alerts (Android) notification is displayed.
Re-enabling location alerts on the Map Requires Location Alerts notification

The location alerts are re-enabled and the geofences on newly created features are activated.

The geofence is activated and the location alert notifications appear once the device exits the geofence area

Article ID: 000029555

  • ArcGIS Field Maps Android
  • ArcGIS Field Maps iOS

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