Instructions provided describe how to obtain the GUID for specific layer types to work with IMap::Layers property.
In the ArcGIS Developer Help for IMap::Layers property, there is a list of GUIDs for six different types of layers:
{6CA416B1-E160-11D2-9F4E-00C04F6BC78E} IDataLayer
{E156D7E5-22AF-11D3-9F99-00C04F6BC78E} IGeoFeatureLayer
{34B2EF81-F4AC-11D1-A245-080009B6F22B} IGraphicsLayer
{5CEAE408-4C0A-437F-9DB3-054D83919850} IFDOGraphicsLayer
{0C22A4C7-DAFD-11D2-9F46-00C04F6BC78E} ICoverageAnnotationLayer
{EDAD6644-1810-11D1-86AE-0000F8751720} IGroupLayer
Warning: The following instructions do not involve modifying Registry values; do not modify anything in your Registry. It is recommended that you backup your operating system and files, including the registry, before proceeding. Consult with a qualified computer systems professional, if necessary. ESRI cannot guarantee results from incorrect modifications while following these instructions. Therefore, use caution and proceed at your own risk.
Article ID: 000008702
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