Frequently asked question
In ArcGIS Pro, the ‘Clip to index feature’ option clips layers in a map series to the boundary of an index feature. However, this option is disabled for point and linear index features as they are one-dimensional features. When clipping layers, a polygon boundary specifies the area to preserve and shows only the data within the boundary. In contrast to bounded polygons, point features are represented by a single coordinate and have no spatial extent on the map, while linear features extend along a path without enclosing a specific area. Thus, it is not possible to define a clipping extent for point and linear features.
As a workaround, apply a page query to clip a map to a point or a linear index feature. In a map series, a page query filters and displays features based on the properties of the current page. By configuring the page query to match the name of the map series page, each feature is displayed on its corresponding page. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Create a page query for instructions on creating a page query in a map series.
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