Frequently asked question
Yes, reports can be generated in ArcGIS Online. A default administrator role can generate reports with details about credits, members, items, activities, or service usage of an ArcGIS Online organization. Refer to ArcGIS Online: View and report status for more information.
However, printing the report directly in ArcGIS Online is not possible, but users can download the report as a CSV file and print the CSV file on their devices. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Find and work with reports for more information.
Other Esri applications, such as ArcGIS Business Analyst, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Pro, and ArcMap, also allow users to generate and print reports.
Note: Creating reports with certain applications mentioned above may require credits depending on the type of report. For more information on credit usage in ArcGIS Online, refer to the following documentation, Esri: Credits.
Article ID: 000012597
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