EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) metadata contains important information about photographs, such as the camera's settings, time and date, and the location where a photo was taken. This information is sometimes needed to meet legal requirements of certain projects.
This can be accomplished using an Arcade expression in the Pop-up configuration, Form Calculation, Field Calculation, etc.
The sample code below returns the date and time the attachment in the selected feature was taken. To return all metadata in an array, uncomment out the second last line below to return the features variable.
var features = []; var att = attachments($feature, {metadata: True}); if (count(att) > 0) { for (var a in att) { push(features, att[a].exifInfo) }} //return features; return features[0][0]['tags'][7]['value'];
The screen capture below shows the returned date and time the image was captured. Note that the index value/name will change depending on the attachment.
To identify the needed index values and names, return the entire array.
Article ID: 000032038
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