In ArcGIS StoryMaps, it is possible to add different media files such as images, videos, or audio. In some instances, attempts to add or replace existing media files using a different media file type, for example replacing a video with an image, fail, and return the following error message:
Error: Sorry! This file type is not supported here
Depending on the cause, use one of the following methods to resolve the issue.
Ensure the media file format is supported by ArcGIS StoryMaps
In ArcGIS StoryMaps, ensure the media file added is in a supported format. Alternatively, create a backup copy of the media file, convert the media file into a supported format using an online media converter, and add the file to StoryMaps.
Ensure the existing media file is replaced using the same media file type
In ArcGIS StoryMaps, replace the existing media file using the same media file type. Alternatively, delete the existing media file, and add the desired media file type. Hover over the newly added media file, click the handleicon, and drag and drop the media file to the original position of the deleted media file.
Article ID: 000026477
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