FutureWarning: Using short name for 'orient' is deprecated

Last Published: October 19, 2020

Error Message

When running tools within the Utility Network Package Tools (untools) version 2.6 Python package in ArcGIS Pro, such as the Apply Asset Package tool, the following error message is returned:

C:\...\site-packages\pandas\core\ Using short name for 'orient' is deprecated. Only the options: ('dict', list, 'series', 'split', 'records', 'index') will be used in a future version. Use on of the above to silence this warning. FutureWarning.


This is due to deprecations in the Pandas 1.1.1 release. For more information on deprecations in Pandas 1.1.1, refer to Pandas: Deprecations.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve, perform the following workaround.

  1. Launch ArcGIS Pro, and click Settings. Select Python in the left pane.
Clone the default Python environment before uninstalling or installing the Utility Network Package Tools (untools) 2.6 toolbox. For more information, refer to How To: Clone a Python environment with the Python Command Prompt. 
  1. Uninstall the untools 2.6 package from the Python environment. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Pro: Python Package Manager.
  2. Click RefreshImage of the Refresh button to refresh the packages and verify the untools 2.6 package is uninstalled.
  3. Launch Python Command Prompt, and execute the following code to reinstall untools 2.6:
conda install -c solutionsdev/label/pro2.6 untools
If prompted to respond with Y/N, type y and press enter.
  1. Click Refresh Image of the Refresh button once more to refresh the installed packages. Verify untools 2.6 is installed.
  2. Run the relevant geoprocessing tool in the untools Python package.
Alternatively, uninstall and reinstall ArcGIS Pro to resolve.

Article ID:000024180

  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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