Configuring ArcGIS Web Adaptor over HTTPS returns the error message: "Application Error. Bad Data"

Last Published: April 26, 2020

Error Message

When attempting to configure the ArcGIS Web Adaptor over HTTPS, the following error message is returned:

"Application Error. Bad Data."


This can occur due to one of the following reasons, but not limited to:

• The ArcGIS Server protocol is set to 'HTTP Only'.
• Port 80 is assigned to another application.

Solution or Workaround

Complete the preliminary troubleshooting steps before attempting the two workarounds below.

A. Preliminary troubleshooting steps

• Follow the ArcGIS Web Adaptor installation instructions in the following ArcGIS Help document: Installing ArcGIS Web Adaptor

• Ensure the correct username and password are used.

• Disable the Windows Firewall on the system.

• Launch the ArcGIS for Server Manager on the web server.

B. Ensure the ArcGIS Server REST endpoint protocol is set to 'HTTP and HTTPS'

1. Navigate to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory login page, and log in using a primary site administrator account, for example:

2. Select security > config > update
3. Change the protocol setting from 'HTTP Only' to 'HTTP and HTTPS'.
4. Click Update, and wait until the Security/Config page reloads. This restarts the services.

5. Once the update is made, ensure the ArcGIS for Server Manager endpoint is accessible. Log in using a primary site administrator account, for example:

6. Ensure the REST URL is accessible and services are working properly:


7. After finishing the steps above, users may need to reconfigure the ArcGIS Server with the ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

C. Ensure the ArcGIS Web Adaptor is installed on Port 80

1. Navigate to the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

2. In the Connection window, expand the server tree and click Sites to display all sites hosted on the server.

3. Change all the site bindings configured on port 80 and port 443 to different port numbers.

For example:
• Change port 80 to 81
• Change port 443 to 444

4. Run the ArcGIS Web Adaptor installation.

5. Configure the ArcGIS Web Adaptor. For configuration instructions, click the following link: ArcGIS Help: Configuring the ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

6. Once the ArcGIS Web Adaptor is configured, revert all previously changed site bindings to the original port settings.

Alternatively, the ArcGIS Web Adaptor can be installed silently by following the instructions in the ArcGIS Resources document: Silently installing the ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

Article ID: 000012427

  • ArcGIS Server

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