ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server is being deprecated as an extension in ArcGIS Enterprise. The final release of GeoAnalytics Server was included with ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 in May 2024. GeoAnalytics Server will be accessible to users in Enterprise 11.3 and earlier versions until the end of those product lifecycles. The retirement of GeoAnalytics Server follows the same life cycle as documented in the ArcGIS Enterprise support site.
When ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server was originally released in 2017, it was designed as a product for big data processing and analysis using an Apache Spark distributed computing framework. GeoAnalytics Server made it possible for users to perform analysis on larger datasets, or to perform larger analytical workflows than were previously possible, or practical, in the desktop, scripting, or server environments. With the release of the GeoAnalytics desktop toolbox in ArcGIS Pro in 2019 and ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Engine in 2022, the ability to leverage Apache Spark for big data was expanded. The addition of these products to the GeoAnalytics product family caused noticeable shifts in customer workflows and the environments in which they were leveraged for their analytic workflows. Due to this, the development and innovation efforts for Spark-based GeoAnalytics products are being re-focused. Moving forward, Esri will streamline focus on GeoAnalytics desktop and the cloud native GeoAnalytics Engine products.
Customers are advised to evaluate their GeoAnalytics Server workflows and datasets to identify the appropriate transition steps based on the functionality required. Equivalent functionality is available through a variety of Esri products, including the GeoAnalytics desktop toolbox, ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Engine, the Standard Analysis tools in Enterprise, and ArcGIS API for Python.
In the short term, customers can continue to use GeoAnalytics Server for Enterprise 11.3 and earlier versions of Enterprise until the end of those product lifecycles. However, Esri recommends customers begin migrating their workflows in anticipation of the deprecation.
Article ID: 000032771
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