Create Operating System (OS) Authentication for Oracle with Direct Connect

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The instructions provided describe how to create Operating System (OS) Authentication when connecting directly from ArcGIS clients to geodatabases in Oracle. Only OS Authentication or External Authentication is supported when establishing a Direct Connection from an ArcGIS client to geodatabases in Oracle.


  1. Follow Oracle’s documentation for setting up OS Authentication; refer to the following references provided by Oracle Metalink.

  2. After setting up the externally identified user (External OS User), test and verify that the External OS User can successfully log into the Oracle database in SQL*Plus before creating a direct connection within ArcCatalog.

  3. Add a Database Connection from ArcCatalog to enable users to log into ArcSDE using a Direct Connection.

    A. In ArcCatalog, click Add Database Connection.

    B. From the Database Connection dialog box, select one of the following connection options:

    Option 1
    Database Platform: Oracle
    Instance: Oracle TNS name
    Authentication Type: Operating system authentication
    [O-Image] OracleDC1
    Option 2
    Database Platform: Oracle
    Instance: Select one of the following Oracle Easy Connect strings:

    • <The name of the Oracle server>/<Oracle service name or ID>

    For example, if Oracle is installed on 'myserver' and 'myosvc' is the Oracle service name, type the following:


    • <The name of the Oracle server>:<Oracle port number>/<Oracle service name or ID>

    For example, if Oracle is installed on 'myserver,' is listening on port '60000' and 'myosvc' is the Oracle service name, type the following:


    Authentication Type: Operating system authentication
    [O-Image] Database_Connection

Article ID: 000011682

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