The instructions provided describe how to clip a MrSID (.sid) file in ArcMap.
Use one of the following solutions to clip a .sid file in ArcMap.
Option A: Use Image Analysis to clip the .sid file to the desired extent. This process creates a new layer with the same format:
- Start ArcMap.
- Open the .sid file.
- Zoom in to the desired extent.
- Click the Windows tab, and select Image Analysis.
- Check the desired .sid file, and select the file.
- Under Processing, click Clip.
Option B: Export the raster to the desired file type, clipped to the desired extent:
- Follow steps 1, 2, and 3 in Option A, above.
- In the Table Of Contents, right-click the raster name.
- Select Data, and click Export Data.
- Under Extent, click the Data Frame (Current) button.
- From the Format drop-down list, select the desired export format.
- Click Save.
- If the Output Raster window displays, prompting to add NoData pixels, click No.
- Click Yes to add the exported layer to the map as a layer.
Option C: Draw a graphic, and use the graphic as the clip boundary and export the raster to the desired file type:
- Follow steps 1 and 2 from Option A.
- Click the Customize tab, point the cursor to Toolbars, and check Draw to turn on the Draw toolbar.
- From the toolbar, select the desired shape to draw as a boundary.
- Draw the graphic at the desired part of the raster to be clipped.
Under Extent, the Selected Graphics (Clipping) option is selected by default if the graphic is still selected.
- Follow steps 3 through 8 in Option B.
- Delete the graphic to expose the clipped image.