GIS Dictionary

Browse dictionary


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  1. [surveying] A predefined path or route across or over a set of geometric coordinates.
  2. [surveying] A method of surveying in which lengths and directions of lines between points on the earth are obtained by or from field measurements across terrain or a digital elevation model.
  3. [coordinate geometry (COGO)] A sequence of connected two-point line features that are created by entering the coordinate geometry (COGO) dimensions for each line. If the lines are COGO-enabled, the entered dimension values are stored in COGO attribute fields. The traverse is provided with a start location for the first line and may optionally also be provided with a closing location. A traverse provided with a closing location is called a closed traverse. A traverse that is not given a closing location is called an open traverse. When the closing location is the same as the start location, the traverse is called a closed loop traverse.

See also