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transit rule

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  1. [surveying] A rule for adjusting the closure error in a traverse. The transit rule distributes the closure error by changing the northings and eastings of each traverse point in proportion to the northing and easting differences in each course. More specifically, a correction is computed for each northing coordinate as the difference in the course's northings divided by the sum of all the courses' northing differences. Similarly, a correction is computed for each easting coordinate using the easting coordinate differences. The corrections are applied additively to each successive coordinate pair, until the final coordinate pair is adjusted by the whole closure error amount. The transit rule assumes that course directions are measured with a higher degree of precision than the distances. Usually, observed angles are balanced for angular misclosure prior to applying a transit rule adjustment, and corrections are proportional to the x and y components of the measured line. The transit rule is used infrequently since it is only valid in cases in which the measured lines are approximately parallel to the grid of the coordinate system in which the traverse is computed.

See also