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Executing arcgis.gis.server.LogManager.query() method returns the error message: "AttributeError: 'GIS' object has no attribute 'post'".

Last Published: October 5, 2022 ArcGIS API for Python
Bug ID Number BUG-000149808
SubmittedJune 7, 2022
Last ModifiedJune 5, 2024
Applies toArcGIS API for Python
Version found1.9.1
Operating SystemWindows OS
Operating System Version10.0 64 Bit
Version Fixed2.1.0


Use the following Python script to query the ArcGIS Server logs, but the query() method is only working with the Python DateTime object as inputs for both start_time and end_time arguments. Based on the ArcGIS API for Python documentation for the server.LogManager.query() method, the start_time can be 'specified in milliseconds since UNIX epoch, or as an ArcGIS Server timestamp. For example { “startTime”: “2011-08-01T15:17:20,123”, … }, { “startTime”: 1312237040123, … }, respectively"'. However, the Python DateTime object is the only acceptable argument for both the start_time and end_time parameters in the query() method.


import datetime

import arcgis

from arcgis.gis import server


start_time = datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 17)

end_time = datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 20)

results = server.Server(

   url="arcgis_server_admin_url", username="username", password="password").logs.query(start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time)


Steps to Reproduce

Bug ID: BUG-000149808


  • ArcGIS API for Python

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