This article describes the steps to import images from a drone to Site Scan Flight for ArcGIS version 4.2 and later, and upload them to Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS, along with how to import images captured using a third-party flight control application and how to use the Quick Upload functionality. The Site Scan Flight app uses the iOS Files application to store and access images from drone missions.
Starting with the August 2021 update (version 4.2), Site Scan Flight migrates image management from the iOS Photos application to the iOS Files application. Using this native iOS application designed for managing large numbers of files simplifies image management and increases security by restricting access from third-party apps to your imagery.
After completing a mission, you can either import the images to the iPad for upload and processing in Site Scan Manager, or upload images manually to Manager from a computer. To load images manually through a computer, see the article: How To: Upload photos to Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS.
Importing images to an iPad from the drone using wireless download
Wireless image transfer from drone to iPad is ideal for smaller datasets. The drone and controller must be powered on, and the iPad must be connected to the controller throughout the image transfer. Once the drone has landed, tap the Missions section of the Flight app located in the upper left corner of the main screen. This section displays the number of Pending Missions in red.
To reference these images outside of Site Scan, they are located in the Files app, On My iPad > Site Scan > Data > [your organization] > File System transfer.
Importing images to the Flight app with an SD Card reader dongle (Recommended)
The recommended option to transfer images to the Flight app is using an SD card dongle. This is preferred, especially for large missions, as it is more efficient than wirelessly downloading many images. This method also allows automatically downloading the images for all Pending Missions at once.
Note: It is not necessary to select the individual folder where the images are located, Site Scan automatically locates the images.
The app automatically identifies the images and imports them to the correct Pending Mission(s).
Note: Allow Site Scan to identify the images. Depending on how many images are stored on the SD Card, this may take a few minutes.
Manually create a new Mission for image import and upload
New Missions can be created from images in the Files app. This is particularly useful to import images captured from third-party apps into Site Scan Flight and upload them to Site Scan Manager for processing.
Note: Make sure all images are georeferenced before importing images to our app.
Tip: Before starting, is advisable to have a distinct folder that contains only the images to import for the new custom mission. As a best practice, this folder should be located in My iPad > Site Scan > Data. This preparation step eliminates the need to manually select individual images later.
The app displays the New Mission menu.
This brings up the Files app.
Note: To select multiple images, swipe across the images you want to select.
Quick Upload functionality
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