Löschen der temporären Dateien in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: July 20, 2023


In some instances, temporary files are not automatically removed by ArcGIS Pro. If these files are allowed to accumulate, they may result in slow performance of geoprocessing tasks and other ArcGIS Pro functions. Clearing the temporary files regularly helps avoid performance issues that temporary file build-up may cause.


To delete temporary files in ArcGIS Pro, complete the workflow below.

  1. On the machine, navigate to the following folder in File Explorer:
By default, the AppData folder is hidden. Refer to Microsoft Windows: View hidden files and folders in Windows for instructions to display hidden folders.
  1. Delete the temporary files containing ArcGISPro in the file name.
Esri recommends clearing the cache regularly in ArcGIS Pro. To do this, navigate to ArcGIS Pro Settings > Options > Display > Local cache, check the Clear cache check box and click OK. However, this is not located in the Temp directory, but the Local Caches directory in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\ESRI\Local Caches. 


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