ArcGIS Survey123 can be configured with Portal for ArcGIS to sign in automatically. The App Launcher is a convenient window from which organization members can open web apps available to them. Adding Survey123 to the App Launcher in Portal simplifies frequent user access to the application, eliminating the need to sign in when launching the app.
This article provides instructions to add Survey123 to the App Launcher, so automatic sign-in is allowed when accessed in Portal for ArcGIS.
For this article, a URL is created to use Survey123 with Portal for ArcGIS, and Survey123 is added to the App Launcher in Portal.[THE PORTAL URL]
Note: Alternatively, select Other application for Application type, and click Next. Update the data source for the application. Navigate to the application's item details page, and select Settings. Paste the edited URL from Step 1d to the Data Source URL field, and click Save.
Note: Additional configuration is required for Portal for ArcGIS versions 10.4, 10.4.1, and 10.5. Refer to How To: Configure Portal for ArcGIS to work with Survey123 for more information. Additional configuration is not required for versions 10.5.1 and above as these versions are pre-configured to connect to ArcGIS Survey123.
Artikel-ID: 000021099
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