100014: Zusammenfassen (innerhalb) fehlgeschlagen

Last Published: October 5, 2024


Attempts to run the Summarize Within tool fail and return the following error:

100014: Summarize within failed.
The Summarize Within Error 100014 window


  • The path length of the output feature class file is too long. Refer to ArcMap: Path size limitation for publishing for more information.
  • The output feature class name is too long. The default name specified for the output feature class combines the names from the two input feature class used in the Summarize Within tool. This may result in a long file name, and thus, the error is returned. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Pro: File geodatabase size and name limits.
  • The name of the fields in the feature class are too long. Once the Summarize Within tool finishes running, it appends the statistic (i.e. Sum, Mean, etc) to the field name of the feature class. If it is too long, the tool is unable to create these new fields and fails, returning the error. 

Lösung oder Problemumgehung

To resolve the issue, shorten the output feature class file path length or specify a shorter name in the Output Feature Class parameter when running the tool. Esri recommends using a short name.

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, open the Summarize Within tool.
  2. Specify the Input Polygons and Input Summary Features.
  3. For Output Feature Class, click Browse The Browse icon., and shorten the path length by either moving the data or shortening the folder or file names. Ensure the Output Feature Class name is short. Shorten the name if the combination of the two input feature names is too long.
  4. Click Run.

The Summarize Within Geoprocessing pane with the output feature class filled

To resolve the issue, shorten the length of the fields used as summary fields in the tool.

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, open the Attribute table of the feature class.
  2. Open the Fields View of the layer. 
  3. Rename the field of the feature class. Despite the maximum allowed field length is 64 characters (File geodatabase size and name limits—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation), it needs to be less to allow available space for the tool to append the statistic calculated in the format: <statistic> <fieldname>. (Example: Sum Grocery_Stores). 
  4. Save the changes and Run the Summarize Within tool with the shortened field names. 

Artikel-ID: 000027089

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