Gelegentlich möchten Benutzer eine vom ArcGIS Web Adaptor zurückgegebene Fehlermeldung individuell anpassen. Angenommen, der Benutzer möchte die folgende Fehlermeldung ändern, die beim Beenden des Portal for ArcGIS-Service angezeigt wird:
Could not access any ArcGIS Enterprise portal machines. Please contact your system administrator.
This article only applies to versions older than 11.x.
Note: If using a language other than English, make a backup of the appropriate file. For example, if using French, use the file "", and then open it in Notepad.
<value>Could not access any ArcGIS Enterprise portal machines. Please contact your system administrator.</value>
<value>ArcGIS Enterprise portal is currently under maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.</value>
cd /data/tomcat/webapps/<webadaptorname>/WEB_INF/classes/res
Note: If using a language other than English, make a backup of the appropriate file. For example, if using French, use the "" file.
portal_cannot_proxy=Could not access any ArcGIS Enterprise portal machines. Please contact your system administrator.
portal_cannot_proxy=ArcGIS Enterprise portal is currently under maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.
systemctl restart tomcat
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