Beim Erstellen eines Vektorkachelpakets für ArcGIS Online in ArcGIS Pro wird ein Fehler zurückgegeben

Last Published: April 16, 2024


When creating a vector tile package using the Create Vector Tile Package tool in ArcGIS Pro and checking the Package for ArcGIS Online option, the following error message is returned:

ERROR 000707: Spatial reference of the tiling scheme does not match the spatial reference of the data frame
Failed to execute (CreateVectorTilePackage).
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The error occurs due to a mismatch between the spatial reference used by the data frame and the tiling scheme for ArcGIS Online, which is Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere. For more information on the error message, refer to the following documentation, 000707: Spatial reference of the tiling scheme does not match the spatial reference of the data frame.

Lösung oder Problemumgehung

To resolve the issue, use the following steps to change the coordinate system of the data frame to match with the spatial reference defined for the ArcGIS Online tiling scheme, and rerun the tool:

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the map and click Properties.
  2. Click Coordinate Systems.
  3. Under the XY Coordinate Systems Available section, select WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere, and click OK.
User-added image

Artikel-ID: 000016780

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