Publishing failed to complete. Unable to add feature service definition. Error code 400

Last Published: March 17, 2023

Error Message

Attempts to publish a survey with ArcGIS Survey123 return the following error message:

Publishing failed to complete. Unable to add feature service definition. Error code 400
The error message


The survey worksheet contains two or more questions with the same value. For example, in the survey worksheet, there are two unique rows with the exact same value in the 'name' column.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue, ensure none of the fields contain the same value. Additionally, a folder in ArcGIS Online is created on the Content tab with files from the failed publication of the survey. This causes attempts to republish the survey to fail even after changing the values.

  1. Log in to ArcGIS Online and navigate to Content > My Content.
  2. On the left pane, under Folders, browse to the Survey-<Survey_Name> folder with the same name as the survey. This folder is created from the previous failed publishing attempt.
  3. Hover over the folder. Click Edit Folder Edit Folder icon. to modify the folder name, or Delete Folder Delete Folder icon. to remove the folder.
  4. In the survey XLSForm, open and check the survey worksheet to ensure there are no duplicate questions.
  5. Republish the survey from ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.

Article ID: 000020640

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

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