
问题:无法静默安装 ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: December 15, 2023


ArcGIS Pro can be installed silently by running the setup using the Windows Installer command line parameters without a user interface (UI). In some instances, attempting to authorize the installation of ArcGIS Pro silently using the command line parameters does not work. The Software Authorization Wizard window opens and requires manual input to continue the license authorization.


The silent installation is unsuccessful because the license file referenced by the ArcGIS Pro silent install command is incomplete. A license file must include the required user information elements, including the 'Your' lines, as shown below.

Your Organization= <Please choose a category>
Your Industry= <Please choose a category>
Yourself= <Please choose a category>
The license file created in My Esri does not include the three elements above. My Esri does not provide the ability to add these elements at the moment.


To resolve the issue, follow the steps provided. Create a backup of the license file, and manually type the missing elements in the file.

  1. Open the license file using a text editor, and make a backup copy of the license file.
  2. Manually type the missing lines below the user information and before the version information. A sample text of the license file is shown below.
// User Information
First Name= Name
Last Name= Name
Organization= Your Organisation
Email= youremail@email.com
Address 1= street address
City= Your City
State/Province= Your State
Location Code= AU
Location= AU
Zip/Postal Code= 0000
Phone Number= 0000 000 000
Your Organization= <Please choose a category>
Your Industry= <Please choose a category>
Yourself= <Please choose a category>
// Version=10.1

// Features and authorization numbers
Desktop Advanced=ESUXXXXXXXXX
  1. Authorize ArcGIS Pro using the updated license file.
Open the authorization software to ensure the information entered is accurate. Do this by checking the options available in the drop-down list for the categories.

文章 ID: 000023024


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