
操作方法:将 Survey123 for ArcGIS 作为注册应用程序添加到 Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 中

Last Published: October 5, 2023


This article applies to ArcGIS versions 10.3.x. Later versions of ArcGIS may contain different functionality, as well as different names and locations for menus, commands and geoprocessing tools.

Survey123 for ArcGIS became available after Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 was released. This application does not have a pre-registered App ID in versions of Portal for ArcGIS prior to 10.4. The following procedure allows customers running Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 to register the Survey123 for ArcGIS App IDs with Portal. Customers are then able to use the Survey123 application with Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1.

If planning on upgrading to Portal for ArcGIS 10.4 from 10.3.1, do not use this procedure. Upgrade Portal and install Survey123 normally. See Bug: BUG-000094576: Upgrading Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 to 10.4 fails if Collector and/or Survey123 was previously registered with Portal.


Adding Survey123 as a registered application involves registering two App IDs – one for Survey123; and one for Survey123 Connect.

Use the following steps to add Survey123 and Survey123 Connect as registered applications to Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1.

  1. Add and share the Survey123 for ArcGIS app.
  1. Open the ArcGIS Portal Directory sharing application and login as a member with administrative privileges. The URL format is:
  1. Navigate to the administrative user’s content
  1. Under Supported Operations, choose Add Item.
  2. In the Add Item form, enter:
    • Title: survey123
    • Type: Application
    • Type Keywords: Application
    • Tags: survey123
  3. Click Add Item.
  4. On the User Item page, under Supported Operations, click Share Item.
  5. On the Share Item page, set Share with Everyone to True.
  6. Click Share Item.
  1. Register the Survey123 app
  1. in the User Item page, select and copy the ID value.
  2. Under Related Operations, click Register App.
  3. On the Register App page, enter:
  • Item ID: This is the ID copied in Section B, step 1.
  • App Type: Select multiple from the dropdown
  • Redirect URIs: Enter ["urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"] - This value allows the successful authentication response to be sent to the portal URL.
  1. Click Register App. The Registered App page displays the App ID.
  2. On the Registered App page, copy the App ID value.
  1. Change the Survey123 App ID
  1. Open the ArcGIS Portal Directory admin application and login as a member with administrative privileges. The URL format is:
  1. Navigate to Home > Security> OAuth > Change App ID.
  2. On the Change App ID page, enter:
  • Current App ID: This is the App ID copied in step 5, Section B.
  • New App ID: Enter survey123
  1. Click Change App ID.
  1. Add and share the Survey123 Connect app
  1. Open the ArcGIS Portal Directory sharing application and login as a member with administrative privileges. The URL format is:
  1. Navigate to the administrative user’s content.
  1. Under Supported Operations choose Add Item.
  2. In the Add Item form, enter:
  • Title: survey123connect
  • Type: Application
  • Type Keywords: Application
  • Tags: survey123connect
  1.  Click Add Item.
  2. On the User Item page, under Supported Operations, click Share Item.
  3. On the Share Item page, set Share with Everyone to True.
  4. Click Share Item.
  1. Register the Survey123 Connect app
  1. On the User Item page, select and copy the ID value.
  2. Under Related Operations, click Register App.
  3. On the Register App page, enter:
  • Item ID: This is the ID copied in step 1 of Section E.
  • App Type: Select multiple from the drop-down
  • Redirect URIs: Enter ["urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"] - This value allows the successful authentication response to be sent to the portal URL.
  1. Click Register App. The Registered App page displays the App ID.
  2. On the Registered App page, copy the App ID value.
  1. Change the Survey123 Connect App ID
  1. Open the ArcGIS Portal Directory admin application and login as a member with administrative privileges. The URL format is:
  1. Navigate to Home > Security> OAuth > Change App ID.
  2. On the Change App ID page, enter:
  • Current App ID: This is the App ID copied in step 5, Section E.
  • New App ID: Enter survey123connect
  1. Click Change App ID.

文章 ID:000012713


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