As opções Calcular e Calcular Campo estão desabilitadas no ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: May 30, 2024


In ArcGIS Pro, when attempting to calculate fields in an attribute table, the Calculate and Calculate Field options are disabled.

The disabled Calculate and Calculate Field options


There are several reasons for this issue. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Field Calculator is unavailable for more information.

Additionally, the Field Calculator is disabled when the layer is not editable due to the following causes:

  • The editing capabilities of the layer is not enabled.
  • The layer type is non-editable in ArcGIS Pro.
  • The table type is non-editable in ArcGIS Pro.

Solução ou Solução Provisória

Depending on the cause, use one of the options below to resolve the issue.

The editing capabilities of the layer is not enabled

In ArcGIS Pro, in the Contents pane, click the List By Editing tab, and check the layer to enable editing. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Specify which layers can be edited for more information.

Click the List by Editing tab in the Contents pane

The layer type is non-editable in ArcGIS Pro

  1. In the Contents pane, browse to and right-click the layer.
  2. Click Data > Export Features. The Export Features pane opens.
  3. Run the Export Features tool to convert the feature layer to a feature class.
    1. In the Export Features pane, on the Parameters tab, click the drop-down arrow, and select the non-editable layer for Input Features.
    2. For Output Feature Class, specify a location and name to export the output feature class.
    3. Click OK.
The Export Features pane

The image below shows the Calculate and Calculate Field options are enabled in the attribute table of the output feature class.

The attribute table of the output feature class

The table type is non-editable in ArcGIS Pro

  1. In the Contents pane, browse to and right-click the table.
  2. Click Data > Export Table. The Export Table pane opens.
  3. Run the Export Table tool to export the stand-alone table to a new table.
    1. In the Export Table pane, on the Parameters tab, click the drop-down arrow, and select the non-editable table for Input Table.
    2. For Output Table, specify a location and name to export the output table.
    3. Click OK.
The Export Table pane

The image below shows the Calculate and Calculate Field options enabled in the output table.

The output table with the Calculate and Calculate Field options enabled

ID do Artigo: 000024801

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