A utilização da CPU em uma máquina ArcGIS Enterprise permanece na capacidade máxima

Last Published: January 12, 2024


An ArcGIS Enterprise component machine (ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS, or ArcGIS Data Store) running on a Windows operating system may have its CPU utilization run as high as 99%. This level of utilization may be intermittent or constant. This leads to performance issues within the ArcGIS Enterprise environment.


The ArcGIS Enterprise component cannot properly execute pkill.exe. This executable file is responsible for ensuring timely termination of internal processes within ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Data Store, when these components are stopped.

This executable is prevented from running due to the following:

  • Antivirus software flags pkill.exe as malicious.
  • The Windows account running the ArcGIS Enterprise service does not have full permissions for the ArcGIS Enterprise component directories.

Solução ou Solução Provisória

Follow the workarounds below to resolve.

Add exceptions to the antivirus software

Ensure the proper exceptions are in place for all the ArcGIS Enterprise directories. For more information on the exceptions, refer to FAQ: Which ArcGIS Enterprise directories should be excluded for security or antivirus software?

For further information regarding ArcGIS Enterprise deployments and antivirus software, refer to Esri Technical Paper: Considerations for configuring antivirus software for ArcGIS Enterprise hosts.

Grant full permissions to the Windows account running the ArcGIS Enterprise service

For each ArcGIS Enterprise component, grant full permissions to the following directories:

  • ArcGIS Server: C:\arcgisserver, C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server, and C:\Python27.
  • Portal for ArcGIS: C:\arcgisportal, and C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal.
  • ArcGIS Data Store: C:\arcgisdatastore, and C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore.

Refer to Error: The ArcGIS Server is not able to connect to the specified directory for instructions to apply full permissions to the appropriate directories.

ID do Artigo:000023171

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