Polyline features can be converted to polygon features using different geoprocessing tools depending on the type of ArcGIS license. The Feature To Polygon tool is available with the ArcGIS Desktop Advanced license while the Construct Polygons tool is available with both the ArcGIS Desktop Advanced and Standard license. The Convert Polylines To Polygon tool is available with the Production Mapping license.
With an ArcGIS Desktop Basic license, use the Merge tool and the Auto-Complete Polygon tool to convert polyline features to polygon features.
The image below shows a polyline feature and its attribute table.
To convert a polyline feature to a polygon feature with an ArcGIS Desktop Basic license, follow the instructions below.
Note: The Auto Complete Polygon tool only displays if the polygon feature in the Create Features pane is selected.
The image below shows the highlighted polyline feature.
The image below shows the polygon feature created from the polyline feature and its attribute table.
ID do Artigo: 000021197
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