fractionner un polygone circulaire en deux parties égales dans ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: July 27, 2023


In some instances, it is necessary to split a circular area in half to set a boundary or to divide features into equal parts. The image below shows a circle with its attribute table before it is split. The total area is approximately 6,499,608.21 square meters.

A circle polygon and its total area size before splitting.


Follow the workflow below to split a circle polygon in half using the Divide tool in ArcGIS Pro.

To split a circle polygon in half in ArcMap, refer to How To: Split a circle polygon into half in ArcMap.
  1. In ArcGIS Pro, click the Edit tab. Click the Modify icon to open the Modify Features pane.
Image showing UI to open the Modify Features pane.
  1. In the Modify Features pane, scroll to and click Divide.
Image showing Modify Features pane
  1. Click the circle polygon to split.
Image showing circle polygon to split
  1. Under Method, select Proportional Area. Under Values, set the Number of parts to 2. The New polygon area displays the estimation of each half of the circle polygon after it is divided.
Image showing the new polygon area
  1. Click on the edge of the polygon to set the splitting direction. Click Divide.
Image showing edge to divide
  1. Open the attribute table to show the areas of the split circle. In this example, each half has an area of approximately 3,249,804 square meters.
Image showing attribute table

ID d’article:000023082

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