créer des numéros séquentiels dans un champ en utilisant Python dans la calculatrice de valeurs de champs

Last Published: April 19, 2024


Instructions provided describe how to create sequential numbers in a field in ArcMap using Python in the Field Calculator.


The code in this article generates sequential numbers for unsorted data based on the OID or FID order. If the data is sorted on a field, the generated numbers are not sequential.
  1. Create a new short integer field. Refer to ArcMap: Adding fields for instructions.
  2. Right-click the new field and select Field Calculator.
  3. Set the Parser to Python.
  4. Check the check box for Show Codeblock.
  5. Paste the following into the Pre-Logic Script Code:
def autoIncrement(): 
 global rec 
 pStart = 1  
 pInterval = 1 
 if (rec == 0):  
  rec = pStart  
  rec += pInterval  
 return rec
  1. Paste the following code in the smaller box below the Pre-Logic Script Code:
  1. Click OK. The following image is an example of a field with sequential numbers populated using the Python code:
An attribute table with a field with sequential numbers.

ID d’article:000011137

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