When selecting values from a field in an attribute table, it is helpful to use the Select By Attributes tool to choose the values including null values. By providing a query expression, the Select By Attributes tool picks the features that match the selection criteria.
In the example below, the null values in the ‘Search status’ field are interspersed with different values. The Select by Attributes tool accurately selects only the null values, which speeds up the search, in contrast to selecting the values manually.
This article provides a workflow to select null values in a field using the Select By Attributes tool in ArcGIS Pro.
The following workflow uses the is null query attribute to select multiple null values in a field.
Note: The query builder opens in Clause mode by default. To open it in SQL mode, toggle the SQL button. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Query builder for more information.
For Clause mode:
For SQL mode:
<Field> IS NULL
The image below shows the null values for the ‘Search status’ field are selected using the Select By Attributes tool in ArcGIS Pro.
Id. de artículo: 000024932
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