Cambiar el tamaño de los símbolos de marcador de señal de autopista en ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: July 21, 2023


The font, size, and color of text symbols in ArcGIS Pro projects can be customized according to the context and theme of the map. However, changing the font size of text in shield marker symbols does not automatically resize the shield marker symbol accordingly.

Image of Shield 1 to Shield 14 in the Shield symbol window

The image below shows the shield symbol before the size of the text is changed.

Image of the shield symbol before the size of the text is changed

The image below shows the shield symbol after the size of the text is changed (under Labelling Properties >> Symbol >> Appearance).

Image of the shield symbol after the size of the text is changed


Follow the workflow below to resize the shield marker symbol using the labeling properties.

  1. In an ArcGIS Pro project, in the Contents pane, right-click the label layer, and select Labeling Properties.
Image of the right-click menu of a label layer
  1. In the Label Class pane, click the Symbol tab.
  2. On the General tab, expand Callout.
  3. For Size, change the point value.
Image of the Label Class pane
  1. Click Apply. The shield marker symbol is now resized.
Image of the resized shield symbol

Id. de artículo:000024850

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