Some workflows require selecting certain values on the map based on specific attributes. ArcGIS Pro provides the capability to select multiple features using the Select Layer By Attribute tool.
This article demonstrates the workflow by selecting multiple fire hydrant point features made by specific manufacturers in a neighborhood.
Note: The query builder opens in the Clause mode by default. To open it in SQL mode, toggle the SQL option. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Query builder for more information.
For Clause mode, insert:
Where '<Field>' 'is equal to' '<Value>'
For SQL mode, insert:
<FIELD> = '<Value>'
In this example, the fire hydrants manufactured by Clow Corporation are selected. Use the appropriate query.
For Clause mode, insert:
Where 'Manufacturer' 'is equal to' 'Clow Corporation'
For SQL mode, insert:
MANUFACTURER = 'Clow Corporation'
For Clause mode, insert:
'Or' 'Manufacturer' 'is equal to' 'Correy'
For SQL mode, insert:
Note: Optionally, repeat Steps 2(e) through 2(f) to select additional values if necessary.
The image below shows the queries configured in this example.
The map shows the fire hydrants manufactured by Clow Corporation, Correy, and by unknown manufacturers selected.
Article ID: 000022255
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