Patches and updates

ArcGIS Desktop 8.3 Service Pack 1.1

Published: April 15, 2003


This patch has now been made obsolete by ArcGIS Desktop 8.3 Service Pack 3. Please download it instead.


This Patch is now obsolete. It has been superceded by the ArcGIS Desktop 8.3 Service Pack 3.


ESRI is pleased to announce ArcGIS Desktop 8.3 Service Pack 1.1. This Service Pack is an Update to ArcGIS Desktop 8.3 Service Pack 1. It includes all of the issues addressed in Service Pack 1 as well as an additional performance issue with Topology Validate that was found with Service Pack 1. It deals specifically with the issues listed below under Issues Addressed with this Service Pack.

You can install this Service Pack on any ArcGIS 8.3 installation. If you have already installed Service Pack 1, you can install this Service Pack on top of it. If you have not yet installed Service Pack 1 you only need to install Service Pack 1.1.

We recommend that all ArcGIS 8.3 customers download and install this Service Pack, at their earliest convenience, to ensure the highest quality experience when working with ArcGIS 8.3.

NOTE: If you are using a localized version of ArcGIS, please contact your local distributor to get the updated language supplement.

Issues Addressed with this Service Pack


  • CQ00179040 - Reports - Creating a report may not work when GROUPING on a selected set of data based on a FLOATING point field.
  • CQ00184780 - Geocoding - When Geocoding, ArcMap may crash if the reference data field contains more than 80 characters.
  • CQ00186513 - ArcMap Editing (Versioning) - ArcMap may crash, when you start editing with a versioned query feature class.

ArcIMS/ArcMap Services

  • CQ00182058 - After creating an ArcIMS Image or ArcMap Service from data in ArcMap, the resulting Image/Map Service does not line up with original shapefile.


  • CQ00187097 - Geometric Networks - When creating a logical network, the network table index must be preserved.


  • CQ00161654 - Using certain Japanese characters while creating metadata for map services will corrupt the metadata document and therefore make it un-publishable to the ArcIMS Service.
  • CQ00185908 - Linear Referencing - When using a Localized Version of ArcGIS, some of the dialogs may not entirely be displayed.


  • CQ00185659 - Tracking Analyst Localization - When using a Localized Version of ArcGIS, the Data Clock Wizard does not create Data Clock correctly.


  • CQ00186815 - This bug will only be exposed to developers who are programmatically accessing the properties of a Topology rule and trying to determine if it was defined at the subtype level.
  • CQ00186903 - Remove the ability to programmatically create topology rules of certain types with the same origin and destination feature class.
  • CQ00186914 - Rules whose Origin and Destination Featureclasses are switched should not be added to a Topology.
  • CQ00187043 - When validating, any feature that has a cicular arc will be updated, even if the geometries of those features had already been cracked and clustered.
  • CQ00186652 - When validating, the correct error feature message may not display.
  • CQ00192714 - Features with NULL subtype values are not being identified during Validate.
  • CQ00193131 - Topoengine may crash when "blocking". This is a memory leak problem related to CQ00187266.
  • CQ00187266 - Validating a topology may return the error “(155) OVPROC_STAT_VIRMEM_WRITE_ERROR” from Topology Engine Overlay Processor. A memory leak in the topology engine causes this error.
  • CQ00186209 - Editing Topologies - In some cases, ArcMap may crash when using topology edit tools after running the validate command.
  • CQ00186407 - Editing Topologies - After updating the geometry of a feature associated with the “Must be Larger Than Cluster Tolerance Error” (where the feature being edited is smaller than the cluster tolerance) and running a subsequent validation, the error feature geometry is not updated accordingly.

Tracking Analyst

  • CQ00182792 - Changing the Start / End times in the Animation Wizard has no effect.
  • CQ00191705 - ArcCatalog may crash, when opening a Tracking Analyst Layer file.


  • CQ00138518 - When new data layers are added after an edit session has already been started, VB listeners will not respond to events against those newly added layers.
  • CQ00170429 - When performing certain geoprocessing tasks, using methods on the IBasicGeoprocessor interface, a lock could be placed on a Personal GeoDatabase. The lock is not released after the process has finished.
  • CQ00180470 - When programmatically editing two Personal Geodatabases at the same time, if the second call to StopEditing is issued with False for save edits, edits will not be saved in either edit session.
  • CQ00187520 - Custom edit sketch extensions may not work, if you pass a NULL point value when geometry type = polyline.
  • CQ00190479 - Geometric Networks - Add new elements to the cache when they (new features) are added to the logical network. This fix makes editing geometric networks faster.
  • CQ00191455 - Geometric Networks - Moving network edge and connected junctions in the OnCreateFeature event of the edge feature causes errors.

Files Installed in this Service Pack

  • Under the ArcGIS Desktop installation bin folder:

Download ID:441

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