When converting a polygon feature layer to a KMZ file using the Layer To KML tool in ArcMap, the geoprocessing tool runs successfully, but returns the following warning message:
Warning: 001385: Feature (OID = <value>) in layer (<value>) has more than 30,000 vertices. This feature may not display in all KML viewers.
Viewing the KMZ layer in other ArcGIS products is successful. In the example below, viewing the KMZ layer in ArcGIS Earth displays all the polygon features
However, when viewing it in a third-party KML viewer, not all the polygon features are displayed. In the example below, some of the polygon features are not displayed in Google Earth Pro.
The issue occurs when there are more than 30,000 vertices of polygon features
Note: To calculate the number of vertices for each polygon features in a layer, refer to How To: Count the vertices for line or polygon features in ArcMap for more information.
In ArcMap, simplify the polygon feature layer to reduce the vertices using the Generalize tool, and convert it to a KMZ file using the Layer To KML tool.
Note: Alternatively, open the KMZ file in another ArcGIS product such as ArcGIS Earth or ArcGIS Pro to view polygon feature layers with more than 30,000 vertices.
The image below shows all the polygon features of the KMZ file are displayed in Google Earth Pro.
Article ID: 000025041
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