Versioning a feature class adds a zero to the end of the view name

Last Published: April 25, 2020


A versioned view is created in the database when a feature class is registered as versioned in ArcMap or ArcCatalog. A versioned view comprises a database view, stored procedures, triggers, and functions that allow versioned data to be read or edited in a geodatabase table or feature class using SQL.

In some circumstances, a versioned view in the database has a zero at the end of the view name, such as sde.view_test_evw0, as illustrated in the following image.

An image of a versioned view name that ends with a zero.

Although the view that ends with _evw0 functions like any other versioned view in the database, problems may occur when attempting to access versioned views through third-party applications such as CityWorks or Geocortex, which rely on the naming convention ending in _evw.


This issue occurs when creating a versioned view with a similar name to an existing versioned view in the database. For example, when a feature class called streetlights is registered as versioned, ArcGIS creates a versioned view in the database called sde.streetlights_evw. However, if a view named this already exists in the database, the new view created when the feature class is registered as versioned is named sde.streetlights_evw0.

Solution or Workaround

Delete the existing versioned views with the similar name, and re-register the feature class as versioned with the same name to recreate the view. To perform this action in ArcCatalog or ArcMap, follow the instructions below.

Before unregistering data as versioned, please refer to the following help documentation: Unregistering data as versioned.
  1. In the Catalog window, right-click the feature class or table, and select Unregister As Versioned.
  2. Check the database in the Catalog tree and delete all versioned views with the same name in the database.
  3. Re-register the feature class as versioned by right-clicking the feature dataset > Manage > Register As Versioned.
  4. Click OK in the Register As Versioned dialog box. This creates a new versioned view without a zero.
An image of the Register As Versioned dialog box.

An image of the re-registered versioned view.

Article ID: 000015372

  • ArcMap

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