Unable to select the X and Y fields of a CSV file in the Display XY Data dialog box

Last Published: May 19, 2022


In ArcGIS Pro, a CSV file with coordinate data can be imported as a non-editable stand-alone table and plotted as point features on the map using the Display XY Data option. In some cases, the X and Y fields of the table do not display in the drop-down list of the X and Y Field parameters in the Display XY Data dialog box.

The Display XY Data dialog box with the X and Y fields of the CSV file not available in the drop-down list.


The X and Y fields of the table are identified as text fields when importing the CSV file to ArcGIS Pro. The Display XY Data option only recognizes numeric fields as valid input fields for the X and Y Field parameters.

The Text data type of the X and Y fields in ArcGIS Pro.

Solution or Workaround

In ArcGIS Pro, follow the steps below to export the table as a geodatabase table and convert the X and Y fields to numeric fields using the Calculate Field tool.

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, export the table as a geodatabase table. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Export a table from a map for instructions.
  2. Click the Analysis ribbon, and click Tools.
  3. Search for and select the Calculate Field (Data Management Tools) tool via the Find Tools search box.
  4. In the Calculate Field pane, select the geodatabase table created in Step 1 from the Input Table drop-down list.
  5. Specify a field name for the new Y field in the Field Name parameter.
  6. Select Double from the Field Type drop-down list, and double-click the field containing the Y coordinate data from the Fields list.
  7. Click Run.
  8. Repeat Steps 4 through 7 for the new X field.

The image below shows the new X and Y fields in the Display XY Data dialog box after exporting the table as a geodatabase table and converting the X and Y fields to numeric fields using the Calculate Field tool. In this example, the new X field is named Longitude, and the new Y field is named Latitude.

The Display XY Data dialog box in ArcGIS Pro with the new X and Y fields.

Article ID: 000027590

  • ArcGIS Pro 2 8 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 7 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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