Attempting to publish a new survey referencing a feature service with a related layer or table from ArcGIS Survey123 Connect fails, and returns the following error message:
Error: The custom feature service submission_url is not compatible with this survey. Parent layer ID <layer_ID> not found for table <form_id_property>
The form_id property specified on the settings tab in the XLSForm does not match the feature service parent layer name in ArcGIS Online, which is listed as layer 0 (zero) in the ArcGIS REST Services Directory for the referenced feature service. When referencing an existing feature service with a related layer or table, Survey123 Connect identifies the parent layer ID so the survey response is submitted accordingly. If the form_id specified is not the layer name with the identified parent layer ID, the error is returned.
When authoring a survey to match the feature service with a related layer or table, the form_id property must match the parent layer name. The matching parent layer name with the assigned parent layer ID can be identified through the ArcGIS REST Services Directory.
In the error message, Survey123 Connect recognizes layer 0 as the parent layer ID; thus, the form_id property must be the layer name of layer 0, which is 'Form_14' in the example above.
Article ID: 000033091
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