Frequently asked question
Authoring a new survey that is linked to an existing feature service may be useful when not wanting to include all available fields in the survey. When authoring a new survey, consider the following requirements:
Note: If the form_id property is left blank, the survey attempts to target a layer in the feature service with the same name as the XLSForm.
When publishing a survey for the first time that contains a submission URL, only the survey form item is created. A relationship is created to the existing feature service, instead of a new feature service being created. When republishing a survey with a submission URL, the existing form item is updated (rather than being deleted and recreated), and the relationship is updated to the specified submission URL.
Note: When republishing surveys on Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1, new feature services are created and old feature services are not deleted. This is a limitation of Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1. To avoid this accumulation, old feature services must be manually deleted. If republishing on Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 with a submission URL, the relationship to the specified URL is created but is not visible in the item.
Article ID: 000014835
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