In ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, when attempting to use the Time Slider widget to view temporal layers on a map and play the time animation, a pop-up message is displayed, 'No time-aware layers are visible'.
The following are known causes for the issue:
Depending on the cause, use one of the options below to resolve the issue.
Note: The time-enable functionality is not supported in hosted tile layers. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Enable time on layers for more information.
Ensure the hosted feature layer contains date fields
In ArcGIS Online, add a date field to the hosted feature layer on its item details page. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Add a field for more information.
Enable time for the layer in ArcMap and republish it to ArcGIS Online
In ArcMap, ensure time is enabled on the layer, and republish it to ArcGIS Online.
Set time properties for the layer in ArcGIS Pro and republish it to ArcGIS Online
In ArcGIS Pro, ensure time properties are set on the layer, and republish it to ArcGIS Online.
Ensure the Enable time check box is checked in ArcGIS Online
On the item details page, configure the layer’s time settings to ensure the Enable time check box is checked. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Enable time on layers for more information.
Ensure time animation for the time-enabled layer is enabled in Map Viewer
Enable visibility of the time-enabled layer in the Layer List widget in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder
In ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, click the Layer List widget, and check the time-enabled layer to enable visibility.
The image below shows the details of the time-aware layer displayed in the Time Slider widget in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder.
Article ID: 000024856
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