The updated hosted feature layer’s name is not reflected in the web map in ArcGIS Online

Last Published: July 5, 2021


In ArcGIS Online Map Viewer or Map Viewer Classic, after changing a hosted feature layer’s name on the item details page while the layer is running in the web map, the updated layer name is not reflected in the web map.


This is expected behavior. When the hosted feature layer is added to a web map, its details are stored in the JSON file of the web map and remain static even though changes are made to the hosted feature layer on the item details page. Thus, the updated layer name is not reflected in the web map containing the hosted feature layer.

Solution or Workaround

There are two possible workarounds for the changes to be reflected in the web map. Use one of the methods provided to resolve the issue.

Rename the hosted feature layer in the ArcGIS Online web map

Manually rename the layer in Map Viewer or Map Viewer Classic. The edits are reflected in the web map when saved. Browse to the hosted feature layer in the web map, and rename the layer in Map Viewer or Map Viewer Classic. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Manage and organize layers or ArcGIS Online: Organize layers (Map Viewer Classic) for steps to do this.

Remove and add the hosted feature layer once more to the ArcGIS Online web map

If the changes are made on the item details page, the layer in the web map must be removed and added once more as a new layer to reflect the update in the hosted feature layer. This ensures the web map incorporates the latest layer when in use.

Article ID: 000025731

  • ArcGIS Online

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