Creating a buffer around a feature returns an empty output in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: July 23, 2020


Using the Buffer tool in ArcGIS Pro on a feature returns an empty output, and the '000117: Warning empty output generated' warning message is returned.

Image of the warning message returned


The following are possible causes:

  • The specified extent environment is set outside the feature's extent.
  • When creating a negative buffer within a polygon feature, a negative value larger than the polygon is used as the buffer distance.

Solution or Workaround

Depending on the cause, use either one of the following solutions:

Specify an extent within the extent of the input feature in the Buffer pane

  1. In the Buffer pane, click the Environments tab.
  2. For Extent, select As Specified Below from the drop-down menu.
  3. Specify the coordinates within the extent of the buffer feature for X Min (Left), X Min (Right), Y Min (Left), Y Min (Right).

Specify a negative buffer distance within the minimum distance of the polygon feature

In the Buffer pane, for Distance [value or field], specify a negative buffer distance within the minimum distance of the polygon feature. This prevents null geometries from being created.

Article ID: 000023658

  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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