A field does not display in the Fields drop-down menu for the chart symbology in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: March 10, 2021


In ArcGIS Pro, the chart symbology can show quantitative differences between attributes. In some instances, a field does not appear in the Fields drop-down menu when attempting to select it to visualize in a chart in ArcGIS Pro. The image below shows the 'Type' field is not displayed in the Fields drop-down list in the Symbology pane when adding a field to a pie chart in ArcGIS Pro.

The desired field is not displayed in the Fields drop-down list for adding to the chart symbology in ArcGIS Pro.


The following are the possible causes for this issue:

  • The field is hidden.
  • The field is not a numeric field.

Solution or Workaround

Depending on the cause, use one of the following workarounds to resolve the issue.

Display the hidden field

In ArcGIS Pro, display the hidden field by clicking the menu button Click the menu button to display hidden fields. at the top-right corner of the attribute table, and clicking Show All Fields. The hidden field is now visible in the attribute table and the Symbology pane. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Hide columns in a table for more information.

Create a numeric field, and populate it with the numeric values from the non-numeric field

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, create a numeric field.
  2. Populate the new field with numeric values.
    1. Right-click the new numeric field, and select Calculate Field.
    2. Under Fields, double-click the non-numeric field.
    3. Click OK.
  3. Use the new numeric field for the chart symbology.

Create a numeric field, and populate it based on the string values from the non-numeric field

Create a numeric field, and use the Calculate Field tool to populate the field with numbers based on the string values from the non-numeric field. In this example, the 'Type' field contains two railway types, ‘LRT’ and ‘MRT.’ The 'Railway_Type' numeric field is populated with ‘1’ if the railway type is ‘LRT', and '2’ if the railway type is ‘MRT.’

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, create a numeric field.
  2. Right-click the numeric field, and select Calculate Field.
  3. In the Calculate Field window, select Arcade for Expression Type.
  4. Clear the Expression box.
  5. In the Expression box, type or paste the following Arcade expression, replacing 'field1' and 'field1value' with the desired field name and value.
if ($feature.field1 == "field1value") {return "outputvalue1"}
//Repeat the first line for additional field1 values
else {return “outputvalue2”}

Replace 'outputvalue1' with the desired return value if the condition of the expression is met and 'outputvalue2' with the value if the condition is not met. In this example, the 'Railway_Type' field returns ‘1’ if the Type field value is ‘LRT,' and if this condition is not met, the 'Railway_Type' field returns ‘2’ using the following expression:

if ($feature.Type == "LRT") {return "1"}
else {return "2"}
  1. Click the Verify The Verify button to verify an expression in ArcGIS Arcade in ArcGIS Online. button to verify the expression.
  2. Click OK.
The Field Calculator with steps to build, verify, and run the Arcade expression in ArcGIS Pro.

The image below shows the 'Railway_Type' field is populated with numbers based on the string values from the Type field and is displayed as an option in the Fields drop-down list for the chart in the Symbology pane in ArcGIS Pro.

Image showing the Railway_Type field is populated with numeric values based on the Type field.

Article ID: 000025140

  • ArcGIS Pro 2 7 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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