The S<geomid>$_IX2 index that facilitates deleting rows from an SDE.ST_Geometry spatial table is not created in geodatabases in Oracle.
Due to the missing index, performance problems may be seen during editing, especially deletes.
This issue is fixed in the 10.1 SP1 Parcel Editing Performance Patch.
The index is missing.
select table_name, index_name from user_indexes where table_name='S1_IDX$' and index_name like '%IX2'; no rows selected
If the index is present the query should return one record:
select table_name, index_name from user_indexes where table_name='S1_IDX$' and index_name like '%IX2'; TABLE_NAME INDEX_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ S1_IDX$ S1$_IX2
The index must be created.
Below are two options to create the needed index, Option 1 - Create the index manually or Option 2 - Use the script provided within this article to determine the missing indexes and create them.
select geom_id from sde.st_geometry_columns where table_name='RIVERS' and owner='AKESAR';
Where "###" is the geom_id from the sde.st_geometry_columns table found in Step 1.
Note: User must have these privileges: SELECT ON dba_indexes
This view shows which layers have S tables that are missing the
sp_id column index.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW st_geom_missing_index_v AS SELECT stgi.owner, stgi.table_name layer_name, stgi.index_name, stgi.index_id index_id, 'S' || stgi.index_id || '_IDX$' s_table_name, 'S' || stgi.index_id || '$_IX2' missing_index_name FROM sde.st_geometry_index stgi LEFT JOIN dba_indexes dbaix ON stgi.owner = dbaix.owner AND ('S' || stgi.index_id || '_IDX$') = dbaix.table_name AND ('S' || stgi.index_id || '$_IX2') = dbaix.index_name WHERE dbaix.index_name IS NULL ORDER BY 1,2,3;
SELECT * FROM st_geom_missing_index_v; OWNER LAYER_NAME INDEX_NAME INDEX_ID S_TABLE_NAME MISSING_INDEX_NAME ------ ---------- ---------- -------- ------------ ------------------ AKESAR RIVERS S1$_IX1 1 S1_IDX$ S1$_IX2
Note: User must have these privileges: SELECT ANY TABLE SELECT ON dba_indexes CREATE ANY INDEX CREATE PROCEDURE
CREATE or REPLACE PROCEDURE fix_missing_gdb_sp_id_indexes IS v_sql VARCHAR2(512); /* Identify missing indexes by joining these two tables: SDE.ST_GEOMETRY_INDEX DBA_INDEXES Each Layer's Spatial Index table name = 'S' || st_geometry_index.index_id || '_IDX$' Each SP_ID column index name = 'S' || st_geometry_index.index_id || '$_IX2' */ CURSOR c_missing_index_query IS SELECT stgi.owner, stgi.table_name layer_name, stgi.index_name, stgi.index_id index_id, 'S' || stgi.index_id || '_IDX$' s_table_name, 'S' || stgi.index_id || '$_IX2' missing_index_name FROM sde.st_geometry_index stgi LEFT JOIN dba_indexes dbaix ON stgi.owner = dbaix.owner AND ('S' || stgi.index_id || '_IDX$') = dbaix.table_name AND ('S' || stgi.index_id || '$_IX2') = dbaix.index_name WHERE dbaix.index_name IS NULL ORDER BY 1,2,3; BEGIN -- For each layer with an S table missing its SP_ID index, create one. FOR rec IN c_missing_index_query LOOP v_sql := 'CREATE INDEX ' || rec.owner || '.' || rec.missing_index_name || ' ON ' || rec.owner || '.' || rec.s_table_name || '(sp_id)'; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(v_sql); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END;
set serveroutput on exec fix_missing_gdb_sp_id_indexes; CREATE INDEX AKESAR.S1$_IX2 ON AKESAR.S1_IDX$(sp_id) PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SELECT * FROM st_geom_missing_index_v; no rows selected
Article ID: 000011727
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