Install ArcRest and ArcRest_Package Python libraries

Last Published: February 10, 2022


This article describes how to install the ArcRest and ArcRest_Package Python libraries for both ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro, considering both use different versions of Python.

It is important to clarify that the package is not supported by Esri and is out of the scope of support and it is recommended to use ArcGIS Python API as ArcRest is no longer being maintained. In addition, Python 2.7.x is also a deprecated product by the Python foundation.

The ArcRest and ArcRest_Package libraries are no longer found with Conda (the ArcGIS API for Python). However, some customers still require these libraries, and therefore must use a different package manager, pip, for installing the libraries.


For ArcGIS Pro:

  1. From the Windows Start Menu, open the ArcGIS folder and run the Python Command Prompt.
    • By default, this app is going to use the active environment, either the original found in:
      C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3, or a clone hosted in
  2. If the original environment called arcgispro-py3 is active, activate the cloned environment with the command below. Notice that the environment has been changed in the illustration below because on the left side the active environment is called in parenthesis: 
activate <name of environment>
  1. One by one, run the following commands: 
pip install arcrest
pip install arcrest_package
The libraries are now installed.

For ArcMap

  1. From the Command Prompt of the machine, browse to the folder that hosts the executable file for Python 2.7:
cd C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.x
  1. Run the commands:
python -m pip install arcrest
python -m pip install arcrest_package
The libraries are now installed.

Article ID: 000026889

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