Simplify sections of polygon vertices in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: November 21, 2024


In ArcGIS Pro, vertices define the shape and location of a line or a polygon. The vertex count of a feature varies depending on complexity and editing precision. A feature might have a high vertex count, leading to performance issues such as data redundancy and increased storage requirements. As such, vertices can be simplified as a whole to reduce complexity. However, simplifying specific sections of the vertices is a better option. This article provides the workflow to simplify sections of polygon vertices in ArcGIS Pro.


  1. Open the project in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Create a line feature class. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Create a stand-alone feature class for instructions.
  3. Create a line feature on the desired section of the polygon vertices.
    1. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab.
    2. On the Edit tab, in the Features group, click Create.
The Edit tab in ArcGIS Pro
    1. In the Create Features pane, click the newly created line feature class.
The Create Features pane in ArcGIS Pro
    1. On the editing toolbar, click Trace.
The editing toolbar in ArcGIS Pro
Alternatively, in the Create Features pane, after selecting the line feature class, click Trace The Trace icon.
    1. Trace the vertices section.
    2. On the editing toolbar, click Finish.
The map view in ArcGIS Pro
  1. Generalize the line feature using the Generalize tool with the Simplify method. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Simplify for instructions.
    The Generalize pane in ArcGIS Pro

    The map shows the generalized line feature.

    The map view in ArcGIS Pro
    1. Set the snapping by layer properties. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Turn snapping on or off by layer for more information.
      1. In the Contents pane, click the List By Snapping tab.
    The Contents pane in ArcGIS Pro
      1. On the List By Snapping tab, right-click the line feature class and click Make this the only snappable layer.
    The Contents pane in ArcGIS Pro
    1. Reshape the polygon. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Reshape feature geometry for more information.
      1. In the map view, select the polygon.
      2. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab.
      3. On the Edit tab, in the Tools group, click Reshape.
    The Edit tab in ArcGIS Pro
    Alternatively, in the Modify Features pane, click Reshape.
      1. On the editing toolbar, click Trace.
    The editing toolbar in ArcGIS Pro
      1. Trace the generalized line feature.
      2. On the editing toolbar, click Finish.
    The map view in ArcGIS Pro

    The map shows the reshaped polygon.

    The map view in ArcGIS Pro

    Article ID: 000034084

    • ArcGIS Pro 3 1
    • ArcGIS Pro 3 3
    • ArcGIS Pro 3 2
    • ArcGIS Pro 3 4

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