Monitor the health of spatiotemporal big data stores

Last Published: April 25, 2020


A spatiotemporal big data store archives real-time observational data and stores the results generated using ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server tools. A spatiotemporal big data store is designed to store a high volume of observational data, and hence there is a need to monitor the health of the data store.


The spatiotemporal big data store can be validated through the ArcGIS Server Admin connection for troubleshooting problems or as part of regular maintenance. Within the ArcGIS Server Admin page, the data store validation is located in the NOSQL data store child items.

These instructions describe how to monitor the health of a spatiotemporal big data store:

  1. Log in to the hosting server admin point.
  2. Navigate to Data > Items > nosqlDatabases > AGSDataStore_bigdata_bds > machine name, and click Validate.

The following is an example of a validation JSON returned when the above steps are followed:"bds_7a&mj36"

clusterStatus: "Yellow"

datastore.overallhealth: "Healthy"

isHealthy: true

numOfNodes: 1

nodes: [{

  name: ""

  heapSize: "12.7gb"

The following are possible clusterStatus values and the associated definitions:

  • Green: The primary and replica shards are functioning.
  • Yellow: The primary shards are functioning, but the replica shards are not. The database does not have redundancy but can still function as normal.
  • Red: The primary shards are not functioning. Data loss occurs due to database failure.
Green and Yellow indicate a stable database cluster. Yellow is common when only one Spatiotemporal Data Store node is configured, thereby indicating that there is no redundancy in the event of a nodal failure.

The following are possible datastore.overallhealth values and the associated definitions:

  • Healthy: Indicates the primary shards are working.
  • Failed: Indicates the primary and replica shards failed to work.

The IsHealthy boolean value indicates either a true or false value, whereas NumOfNodes indicates the number of nodes that are included in the cluster. The nodes value provides information about the nodes in the cluster, which includes the IP address and the data store heap size in GB of RAM.

Article ID: 000017302

  • ArcGIS Data Store
  • ArcMap
  • ArcGIS Server

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