Attachments from a feature class can be exported individually or in a batch to a desired local folder with default filenames. In some instances, the exported attachments must be renamed to match the values in a feature class field. This article provides the workflow to export and rename attachments from a feature class in a batch using a Python script in ArcGIS Desktop.
Note: When working in ArcMap, it is advisable to disable background geoprocessing. To do this, navigate to Geoprocessing > Geoprocessing Options, and uncheck the Enable check box under Background Geoprocessing.
import arcpy from arcpy import da import os #Modify the following to the desired location #input_table must be the output table from Step 3 inTable = r"<input_table>" fileLocation = r"<desired_folder>" #Modify field_name1 and field_name2 to the desired field name with da.SearchCursor(inTable, ['DATA', '<field_name1>', '<field_name2>']) as cursor: for item in cursor: attachment = item[0] filenum = "ATT" + str(item[2]) + "_" filename = filenum + str(item[1]) open(fileLocation + os.sep + filename, 'wb').write(attachment.tobytes()) del item del filenum del filename del attachment del cursor
The image below shows the Python script with the altered parameters. In this example, field_name1 and field_name2 are changed to TYPE and FileName respectively.
Article ID: 000023581
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