Creating a custom variable for adult smartphone owners in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App displays the percentage of the adult smartphone users for each individual U.S. state in a color-coded map. The example image below shows there are 27, 248, 090 adult smartphone owners in California, which constitutes 89.07% of California's adult population in 2020.
In some instances, users must display the overall percentage by state. For example, the total U.S. adult smartphone owners in 2020 is 227,016,799. Therefore, the overall percentage of U.S. adult smartphone owners living in California is 27248090/227016799*100 percent=12 percent.
Follow the workaround below to create a custom variable to display the overall percentage of adult smartphone owners living in the U.S. by state.
2020 Have a smartphone/227016799*100The 2020 Have a smartphone variable contains the number of adult smartphone owners for each U.S. state in 2020.
Note: Ensure the number buttonis selected for the 2020 Have a smartphone variable under Assemble your custom variable. for the expression of the expression to work.
The color-coded map below shows 12 percent of U.S. adult smartphone owners live in California.
Article ID: 000014526
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