In ArcGIS Pro, specific features can be selected or filtered to be displayed on the map. The map below shows the point features representing the villages, towns, suburbs, and islands in West Malaysia. This article provides three workarounds to display only the point features representing the islands in West Malaysia on a map.
Use one of the workflows below to display only the selected features on a map.
Select and export the features
This workaround creates a new feature layer by exporting the selected features. Refer to How To: Export selected features from a feature layer in ArcGIS Pro for the workflows to export the selected features. The image below shows the new feature layer containing the exported features, Malaysia_location_island, generated and displayed on the map.
Symbolize the specific feature with its unique value
Symbolize the features in the feature layer by using its unique value. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Unique values for instructions. To modify or remove features from displaying on the map, refer to ArcGIS Pro: Modify unique value symbology for more information. The image below shows the point features representing the islands in West Malaysia symbolized and displayed on the map.
However, if there is no unique value in the feature layer, create a new field and populate the field using Field Calculator. Refer to How To: Symbolize specific features of data in ArcGIS Pro for instructions.
Create a definition query
This method filters the existing feature layer based on the attribute information using a definition query and does not create a new feature layer. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Create a definition query for a layer for instructions. In this example, a definition query is applied to the malaysia_location feature layer to display point features that contain 'island' in the PLACE field.
The image below shows the point features representing the islands in West Malaysia displayed on the map without creating a new feature layer.
Article ID: 000027580
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