ArcGIS Survey123 Connect does not automatically create the Form view (formerly known as Fieldworker) for surveys published from it. The surveys and hosted feature service must be shared publicly, which in turn, permits anonymous submissions. The surveys are published and shared publicly, but at times, access to the main hosted feature service must be restricted. This is where the Form view is useful.
The ArcGIS Survey123 website automatically creates the Form view in ArcGIS Online for users to submit surveys. This functionality allows users to share and view surveys publicly, permitting anonymous access to the surveys without sharing the main hosted feature service.
This article describes how to create the Form view for surveys published in Survey123 Connect.
- Log in to ArcGIS Online using an ArcGIS Online organizational account.
- Create a hosted view layer for the survey's hosted feature layer and configure its settings.
- In My Content, navigate to the survey's folder.
- In the survey's folder, click the name of the survey's hosted feature layer to open the item details page, as shown in the next image.
- Click Create View Layer > View layer to create a hosted view layer.
- In the Create View Layer window, on the Choose layers tab, make sure your layers are selected and click Next.
- On the Define view tab, click Next.
- On the Create view tab, fill in the Title, Tags, and Summary. Click + Create to save the hosted view layer in the desired folder, as shown in the next image.

- Once the hosted view layer is created, click the Settings tab of the view layer and click Feature Layer (hosted, view), as shown below.
- In the Editing section of the Settings page shown in the next image, check the Enable editing check-box. For What kind of editing is allowed, select Add and deselect Delete and Update and click Save.

Ensure the hosted feature layer is shared publicly. To share an editable layer publicly, enable Approve this layer to be shared with the public when editing is enabled. under Public Data Collection, shown in the next image.
To prevent editors or viewers from viewing any features, check the Editors can't see any features, even those they add option and click Save.
- Click the Overview tab. Copy the item id from the URL in the address bar, as shown in the next image.
- Scroll to the Layers section shown below on the item details page to identify the name of the layer

- In Survey123 Connect, open the published survey's spreadsheet, update the table and republish the survey:
- Click the Open XLSForm spreadsheet
icon to open the survey form. - In the survey form, navigate to the settings worksheet, and paste the item id of the hosted view layer to make the submission_url to link the survey and the hosted feature layer view. Refer to ArcGIS Survey123: Author a survey that matches a feature service for more information.
- Type the name of the layer in the form_id field.
- Save the form and click Publish Survey to republish the survey.
Users can share the survey form publicly while restricting the primary hosted feature layer. This allows access to the survey without signing in to ArcGIS Online.